November 26, 2024
5 mins

What Does it Take for a Marketer Transitioning into Web3 to CRUSH IT?

What Does it Take for a Marketer Transitioning into Web3 to CRUSH IT?

What does it take for a marketer transitioning into #web3 to succeed?

Not much else to Web2, as it turns out.

I’ve spent the past two weeks interviewing makers and marketers that are pioneering the crypto and NFT spaces. What I learned was fascinating.

One of the main differences between Web2 and Web3 marketing (in their current incarnations) is that perceptibly softer skills like…

✍️ Storytelling

🙋‍♀️Human-Centred Design; and

💕Organic Community Building

…are DISPROPPORTIONATELY more important than what most people realise.

At the beginning, these things DON’T scale.

As momentum builds, however, they create considerable brand leverage and results are exponentiated.If you found this interesting, I’ll be publishing more insights from these interviews over the coming weeks.

Feel free to follow along or tag a marketer who you think might.

#nfts #cryptomarketing #web3marketing